Fact Transaction

Details and interaction with Power BI


FactTransaction deals with voucher, incoming balance and planning transactions. It contains the following columns:

  • le_id - Long - Foreign key to DimLegalEntity 
  • transaction_id - Long - Primary key for the transaction
  • version_id - Long - Foreign key to DimVersion
  • account_id - Long - Foreign key to DimAccount
  • cc_id - Long - Foreign key to DimCostCenter
  • project_id - Long - Foreign key to DimProject
  • product_id - Long - Foreign key to DimProduct
  • customer_id - Long - Foreign key to DimCustomer
  • supplier_id - Long - Foreign key to DimSupplier
  • voucher_series - String - Voucher series identifier
  • voucher_number - String - Voucher number, uniqueness depends on source system
  • voucher_year - Integer - Fiscal year of the voucher
  • transaction_date - Integer - Date of transaction
  • amount - Double - The amount in the legal entities bookkeeping currency
  • transaction_descr - String - Description or notes attached to the transaction
  • document_path - String - Url ending pointing towards invoice document

In Power BI

There are two calculation tables in the Power BI model of the Finance Mart that use FactTranscation:

  • The calculation table IncomeStatement(fTransaction) contains all measures which are used to create the income statement matrix visual and to calculate income statement related KPIs
    • The Table group of measures make use of the dAccountMisc and dAccountHierarchy tables to create the matrix visual
    • The KPIs group of measures use dAccountMisc group_type "RS" and "RS-KPI" to create the income statement KPIs
  • The calculation table BalanceSheet(fTransaction) contains all measures which are used in the balance sheet matrix visual and to calculate balance sheet related KPIs
    • The "IB" version_type from dVersion is used to create the incoming balances.
    • The balance sheet only requires dAccountHierarchy  to create its matrix visual
    • The KPIs group of measures use dAccountMisc "BR" and "BR-KPI" to create the balance sheet KPIs

Expanding FactTransaction with additional data

By concatenating voucher_series, voucher_number and voucher_year you create a unique key for the voucher transactions. This allows you to join the raw data to the transactions and add keys for additional dimensions found in the raw data, or elsewhere.