Project Dimension

Details and interaction with Power BI


Regular dimension with the following columns:

  • le_id - Long - Foreign key to DimLegalEntity 
  • project_id - Long - Primary key for this dimension
  • project_number - String - The project number
  • project_name - String - The project name
  • project_status - String - The project status
  • project_start_date - Integer - The project start date
  • project_end_date - Integer - The project end date


Regular hierarchy dimension it contains the following columns:

  • le_id - Long - Foreign key to DimLegalEntity 
  • project_hierarchy_id - Long - Primary key for this dimension
  • project_id - Long - Primary key for this dimension
  • mode - String - "Le" or "Cg" depending on whether the hierarchy belongs to the individual legal entity or to the corporate group
  • group_n_code - String - The hierarchy group's identifier
  • group_n_name - String - The hierarchy group's name
  • group_n_sort_order - Integer - The hierarchy group's sort order