Version Dimension

Details and interaction with Power BI


Unique dimension used to control what version of transactions are being shown. This allows the end user to quickly model actuals vs different forecasts or budgets. It contains the following columns:

  • le_id - Long - Foreign key to DimLegalEntity 
  • version_id - Long - Primary key for this dimension
  • version_name - String - Name of the version
  • version_descr - String - Description of the version
  • version_type - String - Type of transaction. "U" for actuals, "IB" for incoming balance, "P" for prognosis, "B" for budget
  • version_group - String - DEPRECATED
  • version_current - String - DEPRECATED
  • version_start_date - Integer - Version start date
  • version_end_date - Integer - Version end date