How do I install the Exopen Power BI app?

Guide to installing Exopen's Financial Analytics template app

Activating Exopen's Financial Analytics Template App in Power BI enables users to gain access to their data through a pre-designed app. This section provides practical steps for activating the app and connecting it to your data source, allowing you to utilize the template app effectively.

Important Note: Prior to following the activation steps, ensure that you have either activated the Power BI Pro trial or purchased a Power BI Pro subscription. Without this, you will be prompted to activate the trial during the installation process, which may disrupt the flow.

Activating Exopen's Financial Analytics App:

  1. Visit Exopen's Portal and navigate to the Data Layer page in the left side m.
  2. Locate the Financial Analytics App section within the Data Layer section and click on the "Activate" button.

Installing the Template App:

  1. After selecting "Activate," you will be redirected to the Power BI Service.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Financial Analytics Template App. Click on the "Install" option and wait for a minute as the app is installed.

Connecting Data to the App:

  1. Once the installation is complete, open the Financial Analytics Template App.
  2. Look for the yellow banner within the app interface and select "Connect your data."
  3. When prompted for input, choose "Sign in and continue" in the first step.
  4.  In the second step, select "Sign in and connect" to establish the connection between your data source and the app.
  5. Allow a few minutes for your data to load into the app after completing the sign-in process.

After following the above steps, you now have access to your data within Exopen's Power BI Template App.