Create and use .INI-file

How to create and use .INI-file

A prerequisite to create a .ini-file is to have a Exopen Report Developer license. 

The .ini-file is used to distribute Exopen Report user settings by saving the settings into a file that the addin can import settings from.


Create .ini-file:

1. Log into local admin mode.

2. Click on tools -> Generate Init File

3. Choose the settings you want to use in your file.

You can distribute the Connection to the system database, the licensing, the local admin password, and if you use it, the required settings for Entra ID. 

4. When you have filled the settings you want to distribute klick Generate File and save. Don't change the name of the file or the file won't be recognized when distributed.


Use ini-file:

Put the file in the following directory:

C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Exopen Systems\ExOpen Report

When Excel is started and the addin is loaded it will read this file and import the generated settings, when the settings are loaded the file is deleted.