What are data perspectives?

Understanding Data Perspectives in Exopen's Products

Data Perspectives are a core element within Exopen's suite of products. They are the structured arrangements that you apply to your data, predominantly to your dimensions, which significantly aid in data comprehension and use.

What are Data Perspectives?

Data Perspectives can be viewed as the 'lens' through which you observe and interpret your data. They are commonly applied to your dimensions, providing a structured and shared view that can be utilized across multiple platforms and applications. Examples of these perspectives include account arrangements such as income statements, customer segmentation, or geographically grouped cost centers.

The power of Data Perspectives lies in their shared nature. Whether you are creating an income statement in Exopen Planning or developing a Power BI report based on Exopen Data Layer, Data Perspectives ensure a consistent interpretation and representation of your data. This shared understanding allows for a uniform view of your data across different platforms and use-cases, while still providing the flexibility for personal customization.

Current Data Perspectives

As of now, Exopen offers the following data perspectives:

  1. Account: The Account dimension comes with an Account Arrangement tool. This tool allows users to structure their account data in a manner that best fits their reporting or analysis needs, such as forming an income statement.

  2. Other Dimensions: For other dimensions, a Hierarchy Builder is provided. The Hierarchy Builder is a tool that lets users create hierarchical relationships within their data. For instance, you can group cost centers geographically or categorize products into different product lines. This tool is especially useful for creating multi-level views of your data, facilitating detailed and layered analyses.

By applying Data Perspectives, you can improve your data's accessibility and understandability, enabling more effective and efficient data-driven decision-making. Regardless of your specific needs, Data Perspectives in Exopen's products provide a flexible yet consistent approach to managing and interpreting your data.