What is the Finance Mart?

The Finance Mart: A Core Data Model Through Data Layer

The Finance Mart, central to Data Layer, is a meticulously designed financial data model intended for creating Business Intelligence (BI) reports. Primarily optimized for Power BI, it follows a star schema, a standard business intelligence design pattern, enhanced with a few specialized additions.

Embracing the Star Schema

In line with common BI practices, the Finance Mart adopts a star schema design. This model simplifies the management and querying of databases by separating business process data into facts, which hold the measurable, quantitative data about a business, and dimensions which are descriptive attributes related to fact data.

Dimensions & Data Perspectives

Drawing from your source systems, the Finance Mart utilizes dimensions that are further enriched with hierarchies and account arrangements. These additions stem from Data Perspectives available in Exopen's Portal.

The key dimensions incorporated in the Finance Mart include:

  1. Account: This includes DimAccount, DimAccountHierarchy, and DimAccountMisc.
  2. Cost Center: Comprising DimCostCenter and DimCostCenterHierarchy.
  3. Project: Made up of DimProject and DimProjectHierarchy.
  4. Customer: Consisting of DimCustomer and DimCustomerHierarchy.
  5. Supplier: Includes DimSupplier and DimSupplierHierarchy.
  6. Product: Incorporates DimProduct and DimProductHierarchy.
  7. Version: Represented by DimVersion.
  8. Legal Entity: Denoted by DimLegalEntity.
  9. Date: Recognized as DimDate.

These dimensions are integral in providing specific context to your financial data, allowing for more nuanced analyses and detailed reporting.


The Finance Mart utilizes four key fact tables that form the basis for the star schema. Each of these tables represents a significant business process and contains quantifiable data about these events. These fact tables include:

  1. Transactions: Made up of FactTransaction
  2. Invoice: FactInvoice  & FactInvoiceRows
  3. Order: FactOrder

By incorporating these fact tables, the Finance Mart ensures your data is structured in a way that supports efficient querying and provides comprehensive insights into your business processes.

By combining an industry-standard star schema with customized dimensions and fact tables, the Finance Mart offered by Data Layer delivers a comprehensive financial data model. This model empowers businesses to create detailed, insightful Business Intelligence reports, primarily tailored for Power BI, ensuring your financial data works for you.